August 4, 2011

Rare Angels..

Occasionally, we find someone who makes an 
impression in our hearts. So cliche... 

But, as cliche as it may be, its true. I have "friends" I have "met" online that I have "known" for years, and some for just days. Some of them we have traveled the realms of space and time together, through various social networking sites into the great beyond of cyber-space.  Some have helped me get through the darkest times in my life. Some I have lost touch with over the years, and some have never let me wander away. 

These are rare angels.

You know who you are...


August 1, 2011

Right-side up?

I was looking for something funny to post about today, but even with the plethora of crazy shit on the internet, I couldn't find anything worthy enough to blog about. Maybe its the lack of sleep or the homework marathon I was on today... or maybe my mind is elsewhere, but nothing seemed to pop out.  Except a picture of a dog.  Here it is:  

That's Pixie the Chihuahua...upside down, then right-side up..  I found this gem on a website that does only pics of upside down dogs. I though this was funny (and cute of course). 

My husband often tells me that I drift. I'll be on website and end up with 15 open tabs across the top of my page and have no idea how I got to the page I'm on.

With that being said, I'm not sure how I found Pixie... or the upside-down dogs website..

Next post will have upside down midgets.... right-side up of course.

July 28, 2011

What is YOUR idea of love?

Just as the title says.... I am wondering what everyone's idea of love is.... love between a man and woman (no homo) -- only because I think men and women have VERY different views on what love truly means.

You can submit your comments anonymously if you want.  Just click the comment button, then click to post as anonymous.

If no one comments on this -- then you all suck.  Just sayin...  :p

July 27, 2011

Why Would ANYONE Do This?

I am sure everyone has heard of "body modification". Ear and nose gauges, piercings, implants under the skin, tattoos, scarification, ... etc. I just watched a video about a new kind of body modification... eyeball tattooing.  Why would anyone do this??  Push play... not for the squeemish.


I supposed I am biased to how valuable sight is.  I will explain..

10 Months after my son was born, I noticed a "blip" in my vision. It seemed like a tiny spot that floated all over and distorted all the lines that should have been straight. When I went to my regular eye doctor, she said it was edema (swelling) of my macula, and told me to come back to see her once a week for 8 weeks (along with 8 weeks of co-pays and insurance payments). Around the 3rd week I woke up blind in my left eye. I had no sight at all, just a huge greyish black spot that covered my entire central vision. I was shaking and crying.  My first thought was of my son, that I would never see him get on the school bus, or play in the playground, or even get married. I didn't understand what was going on. Ultimately, my mom took me to the emergency room and they examined me, then had a few others come in and gawk at me... and told me to come back in the morning to see the retinologist.  

July 26, 2011

Photo-bombs Part 1

Im sure I'll find more... but these a pretty funny.
The first one is my favorite :)

July 25, 2011

Packed With Nutrients

I love True Blood.  It is one of my favorite shows.  All my other favorite shows have been cancelled... so, this and Breaking Bad and Boardwalk Empire..... and omgosh I cannot forget The Walking Dead .... are now my favorite shows.  I dont have HBO, so I watch True Blood and Boardwalk Empire online.  Wonder if anyone else that reads this is a Trubie?

Of course my favorite actor is Eric Northman (played by Alexander Skarsgard) -- He's a blondie (im not a big fan of blondies) but I'll make an exception.  I mean really -- how could i not???  Look at that charming smile!!

Anywho, this therapeutic thing is working pretty well, i feel calm already.  Well, its either that or the xanax, I'm not sure yet.  If you talk to me on any other medium, such as facebook or yahoo, then you already know I am incredibly boring and have nothing of nutritional value to offer to this blog ...however, i myself do come fortified with 9 essential vitamins and minerals.  ;)  

Dont eat my donut. 


July 24, 2011

Día de Apertura

Who the hell blogs at 5 a.m.?   Me..
I learned in my psych class that if you blog, it helps alleviate stress and anxiety. Not saying I have either of them, but figured what the hell.
A little about me and my family -- I'm married, I have four crafty, witty, funny, and occasionally aggravating kids (2 are mine, 2 are my husbands).  

Jordan (the little one - my daughter) - and Bri (Rons Daughter) 

Mileena (Rons Daughter)

Josh and Jordan -- My Kids 

My husband cooks some mean dippy eggs and has some seriously cute eye wrinkles. 

This is me and the dippy-egg cooker.

I have 2 dogs that cannot get along most of the time..a bulimic indoor cat..a rabbit... gerbil... fish.. and an outside cat that pimps out his boats and hoes in the yard next to us on occasion.  
My Bulimic Cat

I live in a suburban area, where the air quality ranks on yahoo's top 25 for worst air in the U.S. (thank you to our riverside mills).  My dad works at one of those mills so I shouldnt complain, it puts food on his table thankfully.  My parents have been married 40 years and 4 days.  

Mom and Dad - 8th Grade Dance - A million years ago...

I had a brother but he resides in heaven now... he passed when he was 25. Semper Fi. <3

My Brother  :(  

A little bit about this blog -- it will probably be incredibly boring.. but apparently its supposed to be therapeutic..we shall see.

finis xx