February 7, 2012

Wash my WHAT??

Ahh... It feels good to be home... but you know what feels BETTER?  Getting the hell out of my psych/355 class!  Today was my finals.  I think I did well -- so far I have an 86% in the class (which I have decided not to stress about because we cant all be winners ya know).  
Oh!!  I have a new addiction -- its called "words with friends". It's like scrabble -- multiplayer - on your phone - and.... every parent over 55 has no idea what i'm talking about right now. (except Rons mom cuz she kicks my ass at it). 

Anywho -- who wants to see some funny pix?  Here ya go..

I always wanted a BMW

He must be on virtual chat with Verizon's customer service
(PS.... Would you like to buy a slurpee?)

no... neither of them are........ trust me.

This one is just funny.  If you dont laugh...then your a douche.

Yes.... Even funnier..

Poor Virgil..

Wait... you want me to what???

Leave me some love (in the comments below - you can do it anonymous if your a chickenshit)  so I know at least SOMEONE reads my crap. :)

Dont forget to tip your waitress..

February 5, 2012

Picking your Brain

I am wrapping up my last week in PSY/355 - interesting stuff I have learned (so far): 

  • The brain consists of two hemispheres with three main parts: the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the medulla, also known as the brain stem. 
  • Millions of tasks performed by the human body every day are a result of chemicals produced by the brain.
  • If external stimuli induce undue stress on the brain itself; such as an illness, stress, alcoholism, drug use, or smoking, the chemicals in the brain can become out of balance. In addition to the chemicals being out of balance, certain cells areas of the brain can become damaged or die off, leaving that part of the brain unable to function properly. The brain then attempts to figuratively “rewire” itself to compensate for the lost or damaged cells. (pretty neat info)
  • The prefrontal cortex is the last part of the brain to mature, usually around 18 years old.
  • There are many intrinsic and extrinsic factors that are involved in substance abuse. 
  • Drug addiction is not simply a loss of strength or character, or even a failure of will.
  • Motivation is a complex behavior that is influenced by both environmental stimuli and internal cues from our body. Feelings of euphoria cause by release of dopamine can be both a good thing, as in sexual intercourse, and a bad thing, such as the case in drug use.